Trainee diaries

Participants’ thoughts on their visit to Olkiluoto

TVO was happy to host 16 future nuclear professionals from January 31st to February 2nd, with one of the eight themed training sessions of the Nordic Nuclear Trainee Programme (NNTP) held here in Olkiluoto.

Similar training sessions will take place at the locations of the nuclear power companies participating in the rotation in Finland and Sweden. In addition to TVO, Fortum, Vattenfall and Uniper are involved in the Nordic project. Altogether, sixteen people participate in the current trainee programme, three of them from TVO.

The theme of the training session organized by TVO was “Newbuilding Nuclear”. A large part of the programme content consisted of the OL3 plant unit which is about to start its regular electricity production.


We asked the participants how their visit to Olkiluoto was?

Elias Moberg, 29, OKG/Uniper

Elias– The visit was really good. I was already impressed by the Visitors’ Centre alone. It was really interesting to hear more about the OL3 Project.  Hopefully, TVO´s lessons learned from this project could be helpful also in Sweden as we are hopefully going to build a new power plant. The information regarding the Finnish regulations was also interesting. It seems to me that you have slightly leaner processes with regulations here than we have in Sweden.  All in all, I think this kind of international collaboration is important.


Marcin Slupski, 30, OKG/Uniper

I think the whole experience was great and I learned a lot.  The lectures given to us were really interesting. I was happy we got to hear about the development of the huge OL3 Project. I also liked the career stories of both the CEO and the Vice President of TVO. Because of the ongoing work, we were not able to visit the OL3 site, but I didn´t mind that. We were able to visit OL1 and as it is a ”sister plant” to our plant in Oskarshamn, it was a very good experience for me.


Sofia Leino, 24, Fortum

We had a very good programme over the three days with several interesting topics. I also liked the variety of the lecturers, as we had speakers not only from TVO but from both the Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority and the university. I also liked the site visit very much. And since this was already our third module together, it was really nice to see the other attendees again.


Fia Hellman, 25, Vattenfall

As I have started at Vattenfall last September, there was a lot that I learned during this visit. Today, for example, was the first time ever that I got to visit the controlled area at any plant. I also believe the presentations we heard here gave me a lot. I also liked it that while the first day concentrated more on general things and Olkiluoto, on the second day the topic covered upcoming things.