Trainee diaries

What will happen in the third NNTP? – Read Fortum’s Program Coordinator Joel Ronimus’ interview

We are working for fossil freedom. To get there, we need nuclear heroes. The third Nordic Nuclear Trainee Program is about to start in the autumn, and planning is in full swing. The nuclear heroes behind the program have been working hard for a long time to organize it. One of them is Joel Ronimus from Fortum. Read Joel’s interview about the upcoming program.


1. Who are you, what do you do at work, and what is your role in NNTP?

My name is Joel Ronimus, and I work as a Senior Training Expert at the Loviisa Nuclear Power Plant. I’ve been involved in the Nordic Nuclear Trainee Program (NNTP) for two years. I am responsible for Fortum’s part in the program, organizing two of the eight face-to-face modules and one online module. Additionally, I serve as the contact person for Fortum’s trainees during the one and a half years of the program. If trainees have any questions or ideas, they can contact me, and we’ll figure things out together. I also help organize rotation positions at Fortum for trainees from other organizations.


2. What is the Nordic Nuclear Trainee Program?

NNTP is a program created by four major companies in the Nordic nuclear industry: Fortum, Vattenfall, TVO, and Uniper. NNTP offers a unique opportunity for newcomers to learn about the nuclear business. During the program, trainees visit Nordic nuclear power plants and build a broad network of professionals in Finland and Sweden. They also participate in a module at the WANO Paris Centre. Over the course of the one and a half years, trainees have the opportunity to do two rotations with one of the four companies involved in the program. Additionally, they receive a project assignment from one of the companies to complete as a team during the program. Halfway through the program, trainees are paired with a mentor, an experienced professional with similar interests, who helps them grow and pursue their dreams in the industry.


3. What is the purpose of the program?

The purpose of the program is to attract young people to the nuclear industry, helping them build both internal and external pride and acknowledge the nuclear industry as a business for the future.


4. What will happen in the next program?

In the next program, we have eight exciting modules covering topics such as operating power plants, new nuclear builds, leadership in the nuclear industry, final repository, WANO, and the global nuclear landscape. There will also be virtual modules to complement these. The program includes two rotations and a mentorship component. It concludes with trainees presenting their project assignments to stakeholders in each company. The program is not only about professional development but also about making connections and having fun with new trainee friends.